
  • How to attract clients with color: The Law of Attraction

    If you want to attract clients with color, it’s important to start off with the facts first.

    Did you know that your brand has only 7 seconds to make a first impression? Not only that, did you know color is the visual component that people notice first?

    In fact, consumers are more likely to remember brand colors over a brand name.

    It’s no wonder that choosing the right color palette for your brand is super important.

    UK company, Reboot, created a study using 2,500 consumer participants. As a part of this study, participants were shown five fictional logos for 10 minutes. After that time, 78% remembered the colors they saw, but only 43% remembered the actual brand names.

    That’s a remarkable statistic.

    Remarkable, but not surprising. I say that because of the points I shared at the very beginning of this post.

    • Your brand has only 7 seconds to make a first impression.
    • Color is the visual component that people notice first.

    There are many things that may change over time. However, in my over twenty years of marketing and branding experience, these two points haven’t wavered.

    To give you a bigger picture as to why these facts are what they are, let’s take a look at the Law of Attraction.

    Attract clients with color pantone color swatches open on desk

    The Law of Attraction

    The Law of Attraction is one of twelve Universal Laws, which are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe. It is believed that ancient cultures have always intuitively known and practiced these laws.

    These laws have stood the test of time and are still practiced today.

    The Law of Attraction is seemingly the most talked about of the Universal Laws. This principle suggests that like attracts like (think of the phrase like minds) and positive thinking can usher in a more positive reality.

    Big brands attract clients with color through the use of the Law of Attraction. Doing this helps them to create a more magnetic presence. Just like a magnet, the idea is that the right selection and application of color will attract the audience you want to work with the most.

    Attracting clients with color

    Let’s remind ourselves that color is the visual component that people notice first. Given this fact, it’s easy to see that color plays a powerful role in buying behavior and purchasing decisions.

    The reason is because color naturally attracts and produces an immediate, if not emotional, response in humans. When used in the right ways, color can have a significant and direct impact on growing your business.

    This brings me to some of the most frequently asked questions I receive from clients:

    • Which color is best for my logo and brand?
    • What color will attract the most attention?
    • What color should I stay away from?
    • How many colors should a good logo have?
    • What colors are most professional?
    • What is the most powerful color?

    The number one question I am asked is…

    How do I choose a color?

    Choosing a color that is just right for your brand comes down to three components: who you are, what you are selling, and who you are selling to.

    • Who you are: Who you are is not only a representation of your work, but a mash-up of your personality, your values, and your strengths. It’s what people see and perceive when they think about you.
    • What you are selling: The products and services you are selling are also known as your offers.
    • Who you are selling to: Who you are selling to is also known as your ideal client, your target audience, or your target market.

    Consider that of these components have their own unique personalities, styles, and characteristics.

    When blended together, they create your brand’s Sweet Spot.

    The Sweet Spot is where all of the magic lives. This is where your colors should derive from.

    Attract clients with color personal brand sweet spot graphic

    Fast Facts: Attract clients with color

    Study after study after study, the outcomes consistently show that color is directly linked to brand recognition. Moreover, color can have positive impacts on consumer confidence and loyalty.

    Some of the most notable statistics include:

    attract clients with color infographic

    Summing it up

    You now know that your brand has only 7 seconds to make a first impression and that color is the visual component that people notice first. By using the Law of Attraction and getting to know your brand’s Sweet Spot, you can attract clients with color just like the big brands do.

    Creating a color palette for your brand doesn’t have to be difficult. With a bit of understanding on color psychology and how it works, you can create a palette that perfectly fits your personality, your offers, and attracts your target audience.

    If you are looking for extra guidance on how to attract clients with color or have no idea where to start, I invite you to check out my Color Palettes Made Easy mini course. It’s only $17 and in less than a week, you will learn how to create a color palette that attracts clients so that you can go from feeling 🤢 to 🥳.

  • Boost your Canva game with these 3 expert design tips

    If you don’t know already, I am an absolute lover of all things Canva. It’s so easy and fun to use that it has quickly become one of my go-to’s when I am in design mode.

    Of course, the Adobe Creative Suite was my first love, and it will always have my heart.

    Canva has become a daily basic in my professional arsenal, much like my white t-shirt and jeans is a staple in my wardrobe.

    Though most of my clients are tech-savvy, they are not necessarily design-inclined. That’s why Canva has become such an amazing resource. The drag-and-drop technology married with the long list of incredibly user-friendly and approachable features makes this software a no-brainer.

    Below are three of my expert tips that are sure to boost your Canva design game.

    Let Canva guide you.

    Literally. Click and drag one of your elements slowly around your canvas.

    As you do this, you should see thin, fuchsia colored lines pop up. These are guides. These guides are best used for:

    1. Centering your element vertically or horizontally on the canvas (guides will appear as solid lines).
    2. Lining up your element with other elements on the canvas (guides will appear as dotted lines).
    3. Staying within the recommended margin of the canvas (guides will appear as solid lines).

    Guides are a magical tool in my world. I use them regularly in Illustrator and inDesign, so it’s awesome to have this feature readily available in Canva.

    Grids are your friend.

    This tip is one of my favorites. I can’t tell you how many times my clients have had an “ah-ha!!!” moment when I showed them this trick.

    When you are adding photos or graphics into your canvas, consider using a grid, which is located under the “Elements” tool.

    I love grids because they are so much easier to work with when it comes to sizing or cropping an image on your canvas.

    Traditionally, users will click on a photo or graphic in the left-hand toolbar. This action places that item in the middle of your canvas. Users are then able to make the image larger or smaller, but it can be cumbersome as the cropping function is not available.

    Crop it like it’s hot.

    Let’s just jump into this, shall we? This third tip is a bit of an extension of the grid tip above.

    Cropping is super simple. Once you have dragged and dropped a photo or graphic into a grid, all you need to do is double click on it. Double clicking will show you the full image within the grid. Click and drag on the corners of the image to make it larger or smaller. Click and drag on the image to move it around inside the grid.

    ProTip… when you are moving your image around in the grid, you’ll notice white lines that pop up. Can you guess what those are? YES! They’re guides. Use those guides to help you with your image placement.

    Once you have your image where you’d like it placed within the grid, simply click out of it. Voila! It’s that easy!!

    But wait… There’s more!

    So, let’s be serious for a moment. There are so many things I love about Canva that I created a free guide to help you rock your next Canva design. Get your copy instantly by popping in your deets below.

      Interested in trying out Canva Pro for 30 days?

      Canva Pro will give you unlimited access to an extended library of premium images, audio tracks, videos, elements, and for additional features like the background remover, content planner, magic resize (my personal fav!), version history, and so much more.

      Ready to try out Canva Pro for 30 days for FREE??? I’ve got your back!! Click the link here to get started.

      Don’t leave me hanging!

      I want to hear what you do with all of this Canva goodness. 👇🏻 Drop me a comment below.

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