Calling all course creators, coaches, and consultants

If you are running in circles and can't seem to grow or scale your business, you may have a branding problem.

Heather Piazza Personal Brand Coach in home office
You’ve tried free trainings, webinars, and online courses, yet you are still stuck. Just when you think you’ve got everything in order, you find yourself growing more and more frustrated. Your content seems off, you aren’t attracting clients, and you aren’t converting those whose attention you may have captured.
You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on creating and recreating a look and feel for your biz that just isn’t you. You just can’t seem to get to the heart of it all. You do not feel like you have a brand that represents the true, authentic you.
You are putting in a ton of work and lots of hours, but you’re simply NOT attracting the people you want to engage with the most. You know they are out there, but you can’t seem to make the right connection with them. You’re exhausted and are looking for ways to work smarter, not harder.
You’re not sure a brand intensive can help you… it’s just about building a logo, right? You feel like you are losing more than you are winning. You’re feeling defeated and are ready for someone to help guide you. You’re looking for an actionable plan that will help put you on the right path to success.
Heather Piazza holding gratitude is everything sign

Personal branding is so much more than a logo.

Personal branding is about establishing credibility, trust, and authority so that you may attract serious clients.

And doing it in a way that is truly authentic to who you are.

Kami Wanous The Freedom Scholar

Kami Wanous

Homeschooling Coach

I started my coaching business and had no idea what I was doing!

I flew by the seat of my pants, learning along the way.

But, I knew I needed help to direct my message to my audience and to clarify my brand look and voice if I was going to attract serious clients.

I needed to unify my brand in order to move forward in solidifying my offers and my funnel. Working with Heather was easy and fun! She explained everything and gave me resources for all aspects of what we were doing. She was accessible and made me feel like I was not as clueless as I thought!

The result is that I have jumped to straight to the process of scaling and systemizing my business.

I am so proud of my new brand look and am ready to release it on the world!

welcome to an exclusive private coaching experience

The 1:1 Personal Brand Intensive

Imagine showing off the truest, most authentic you in only 90 days. Each client receives individualized attention to help grow their business through their personal brand. Clients who have completed the Personal Brand Intensive have seen increases in sales as they become crystal clear on who they are, what they are selling, and who they are selling to. This is an opportunity only available to a select few and is full of professional and personal growth, brainstorming and collaboration, and (of course) lots of celebration.

White coffee cup with the words begin on kitchen table

Private Planning + Coaching Sessions

Imagine coasting through your personal brand journey without any guesswork or confusion. I will guide you through the process, tapping into over 20 years of experience in brand development, communication planning, and marketing management.
Woman working on laptop and writing in journal with coffee

Custom Logo Design and Message Development

This is where the magic happens! Wasting time, money, and energy will be a thing of the past as we create a look and feel for your biz that perfectly represents you.
Woman working outside on laptop with journal

90 Days of Virtual Support and Advice

You aren’t alone. You will have complete access to me for 90 days so that you can keep moving forward in between coaching sessions.
Carin Hewitt alift llc

Carin Hewitt

Nonprofit Consultant

I now have a personal brand that truly represents me.

Heather was instrumental in helping me build my personal brand.

She helped me synthesize my consulting work into easily shareable messages that attract the clients I want to work with most.

Heather guided me through the process to shape my personal brand, while keeping me focused and accountable (in a very kind way).

She helped me design and develop marketing tools that truly represent me and my work.

I am so grateful for her encouragement and know my business will benefit from her work for years to come.

This is PERFECT for you if:

This is NOT for you if:

Elizabeth Denton Designs

Elizabeth Denton

Jewelry Designer

I left our time together feeling more confident and inspired than ever before.

Working with Heather has been an invaluable part of launching my business.

She helped me gain a clearer picture of my brand identity, target audience, and voice. 

I left our time together feeling more confident and inspired to put myself out there in a way that felt truly authentic!

She wraps all this up with a professional, but fun working environment that is such a pleasure to be a part of.

what can I expect?

How the Personal Brand Intensive process works.

Apply for the intensive

Click Apply Now to apply for the Intensive. Limited client sessions are available. Applications are accepted and sessions are filled on a first come, first served basis.

Receive an email

Once I review your application, I will reach out to schedule a virtual meet-up session. Submitting an application does not obligate you nor guarantee you a spot in the Intensive.

let's meet!

Our virtual meet-up will be the best time for me to learn more about your needs, while also answering your questions about the Intensive program, process, and investment.

Hi, I'm Heather.

I’m a Personal Brand Designer and Coach who is a complete geek for all things branding, communications, and graphic design. With over two decades of experience in marketing, I am fiercely passionate about helping women with entrepreneurial spirits build creative, authentic, and irresistible personal brands.

Branding is about establishing credibility, trust, and authority so that you attract serious, paying clients.

I will guide you through the process, tapping into over 20 years of combined corporate and consulting experience in brand development, graphic design, communication planning, and marketing management.

Heather Piazza Personal Brand Coach in the vineyards


You've got questions? I have answers!

Heather Piazza Personal Brand Coach sitting in the field

Only 12 client sessions are available for the 1:1 Personal Brand Intensive each year. Sessions are filled on a first come, first served basis. You may select your start date once you are accepted into the Intensive program.

Your satisfaction and trust in my services is super important to me. Due to the nature of the Personal Brand Intensive and the amount of work that goes into this very exclusive coaching program, I do not offer refunds. Deposits are also nonrefundable. I am here to coach you to your highest level of success, and part of that requires a commitment from you that you are fully invested in the Intensive. Before investing in the Intensive and committing to work with me, it is to your benefit to decide that I am the right coach for you. 

Yes, you really can contact me at any time. Whatever you need during our 90 days together, I’m here for you.

Of course! I not only welcome the idea of you bringing one of your team members with you to your sessions with me, I encourage it! Collaboration is what it is all about.

Yes! If the 1:1 Personal Brand Intensive seems a little too, well… intense, I encourage you to check out the Personal Brand Transformation Course.