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I'm Heather.

Those closest to me know me as a complete geek for all things branding, communications, and graphic design. With over two decades of experience in marketing, I am fiercely passionate about helping women with entrepreneurial spirits build creative, authentic, and irresistible personal brands.
Heather Piazza About copyright 2020 Hemlock House Photography
Heather Piazza About copyright 2020 Hemlock House Photography

Your personal brand directly affects your business growth.

I know what you’re thinking. This doesn’t make any sense. But I promise it is! As a branding expert and graphic designer, I can tell you that…
Branding is about establishing credibility, trust, and authority so that you attract serious, paying clients.
A personal brand is more than just a nice looking logo and color palette. A personal brand is how you represent your whole self – whether that be in print, in person, and in the digital world.
Imagine coasting through your personal brand journey without any guesswork or confusion.

I will guide you through the process, tapping into over 20 years of combined corporate and consulting experience in brand development, graphic design, communication planning, and marketing management.

personal brand coach Do you need a personal brand or a business brand free guide

Do you need a personal brand or a business brand? take the free quiz and find out.

    Carin Hewitt alift llc

    Carin Hewitt

    Nonprofit Consultant

    I now have a personal brand that truly represents me.

    Heather was instrumental in helping me build my personal brand.

    She helped me synthesize my consulting work into easily shareable messages that attract the clients I want to work with most.

    Heather guided me through the process to shape my personal brand, while keeping me focused and accountable (in a very kind way).

    She helped me design and develop marketing tools that truly represent me and my work.

    I am so grateful for her encouragement and know my business will benefit from her work for years to come.

    I work with female business owners who are eager and driven.

    They are online business owners, digital course creators, coaches, and consultants with fiery, entrepreneurial spirits who are looking to…
    Heather Piazza Blog Home copyright 2020 Hemlock House Photography
    Gratitude Heather Piazza copyright 2020 Hemlock House Photography

    I started my business in 2010.

    I was laid off from a corporate job I loved in 2009. I found myself home with a newborn and a two-year-old.

    I loved my job, but I was severely burnt out. We were in the midst of the great recession. The rounds and rounds of layoffs and the extra work that came with it was unreal.

    I took my layoff as a sign to go out on my own.

    I communicated, promoted, and designed for years for the companies I worked for, and yet, doing it for myself was a whole different ball game.

    I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to quit. Things were confusing, frustrating, and I was impatient. I changed my branding three different times over the course of 10 years.

    Three times!!!

    Elizabeth Denton Designs

    Elizabeth Denton

    Jewelry Designer

    I left our time together feeling more confident and inspired than ever before.

    Working with Heather has been an invaluable part of launching my business.

    She helped me gain a clearer picture of my brand identity, target audience, and voice. 

    I left our time together feeling more confident and inspired to put myself out there in a way that felt truly authentic!

    She wraps all this up with a professional, but fun working environment that is such a pleasure to be a part of.

    my why is simple

    My own personal branding and business challenges helped me learn and grow. I developed methods that I now teach and share. This is how I hope to make a difference in the lives of female entrepreneurs and business owners. I struggled hard so you don’t have to.

    Here's what my clients say...

    “I now have a personal brand that truly represents me.”

    “While redesigning my brand, she had the open-minded, creative spark needed to help me see things I didn’t.”

    “Heather is able to blend her attention for details with a big picture view that keeps your mission and values in mind.”

    “Heather not only employed her incredible organization and holistic approach, but empowered me through coaching to build important skills.”

    “I am so proud of my new brand look and am ready to release it on the world!”

    “She helped me synthesize my consulting work into easily shareable messages that attract the clients I want to work with most.”

    “I grew my Facebook group to 1,500 in a month with an audience that is HIGHLY engaged.”

    “Working with Heather has been an invaluable part of launching my business.”

    Your time is now

    Are you ready to create the brand you were meant for?

    Every day, I teach amazing business owners like you that with the right support, a plan, and the drive, you can accomplish ANYTHING. Seriously. I am living proof.

    To learn more about my personal branding process and how it can change your business and personal life, click here. Once you fill out the brief application, you will be contacted within 48 hours to schedule a no-obligation call.

    Taking control of your brand has never been so fun. Let’s get started!