Are you feeling a little lost and lonely and need a pick-me-up to boost your confidence?

You poor, unfortunate soul.

boost your confidence ursula putting on lipstick in the little mermaid

Ok… maybe this is a bit dramatic. 😂 But nevertheless, I’ve got you.

And yes, if you caught the vibe, I’m totally a Disney fanatic and Ariel is one of my favorites. But I digress…

When I chose to start my own business in 2010, I had no idea what the opportunities or hurdles would be. I only knew that I needed a job that would provide me with a challenge, would allow me to be creative, and would give me the flexibility I desperately needed for my growing family.

What I didn’t know was about to hit me like a ton of bricks in the face.

Working as a team-of-one from my home office was much harder than I thought. I was easily distracted by my little ones, home duties, or slacking off to enjoy the sunshine (SQUIRREL!). It’s hard to buckle down and stay motivated when there is no one to report to but yourself.

On the hardest days, I realized that I was lonely and unmotivated. Normally, I would turn to my coworkers. We would help each other when we were stuck, celebrate victories, and work through our losses. We’d even crank out the tunes and dance it out before we got back to work.

boost your confidence you got this light up sign on desk next to window and computer

On my own, the celebration of victories includes me high-fiving myself or doing that weird, jerky Elaine dance. I know… sad, but totally true.

Working through times when I am stuck drains my time and my mental state. It’s also self-defeating. I end up internally beating up on myself for not knowing the answer.

Working through losses is much like taking a sucker punch to the gut. Sharing those losses with a team was certainly easier than handling it on my own.

However, when it comes to motivation, there is one secret tool that I use. Mantras.

How to boost your confidence

If you have that contorted “yeah, right” look on your face, stay with me.

I’ve been using mantras for years. Before I started my business, I worked with a life coach. I was literally panicking about what I was going to do with my life. Like breaking out in desperate, shaking, sobbing fits. I had two babies at home, the economy was in the toilet, and the types of jobs I was interested in were a two hour commute from my home.

I wanted to be a mom, cuddling and raising her babies. But I also wanted to continue with my career… the part of me that made me feel like a total badass. How was it possible to be both? How in the hell could I do both?

I felt lost.

I felt discouraged.

She encouraged me to think about the good parts of myself. To think about what others would tell me that would put me in the best, motivated mood.

After chewing on that for a while, I took out my favorite black sharpie and set out to write each mantra on a happy-colored sticky note. I then placed each in a place I would see it the most.

My task, which I begrudgingly took, was to repeat the mantra three times out-loud when I saw it.

I thought she was crazy, but I gave it a go.

Honestly, it was one of the best tasks I have been given. Repeating those mantras day in and day out not only increased my motivation levels, the practice also completely turned my confidence around. And, if it was possible, I felt less lonely.

A win all around!

So yes, it may sound like an uncomfortable task to undertake, but I’m going to challenge you to do it, too! To help, I’m sharing with you 24 of my favorite mantras for FREE!

24 Mantras to Boost Your Confidence Fast free guide

It’s time to boost your confidence.

Place these puppies all over your home. Doors, walls, mirrors, and computers are the most common places. You may also consider hiding them in cupboards and closets. No place is a bad place.

Hopefully in the next few weeks, you’ll be feeling less lonely, more confident, and more motivated to take on the world.

Cause mama… we need you! 💜

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