
  • Why we’re better off without the phrase work life balance

    Today I want to talk about something that may be a bit controversial. It’s the idea of work life balance. 

    If you Google work life balance, you’ll find a ton of information, data, and opinions on what this means. My favorite headlines? Anything that suggests that achieving work life balance is easy.

    Here’s what I think. 

    Throwing out the words work life balance is doing us a great disservice.

    Consider what saying that might feel to someone who is living a life that is so chock full of stressful to do’s, tasks, and caretaking that just securing a few minutes to take a shower can be an anxiety-riddled event.

    Take working moms, for example. As many of you can relate, my work never seems quite done. Even when I’m sleeping, I’m dreaming about who I need to take care of, what I have coming up, and what needs to be done the next day. My sleep is anything but restful. 

    work life balance gif clip from the series the middle

    And during the day? I am running like a chicken with my head cut off, jumping task-to-task with wife, mom, and household duties while running a business at the same time. All while carrying a mental load that is almost at an unbearable weight. 

    I don’t share this for people to feel sorry for me. I love my life and my family, and I wouldn’t change a thing. 

    Hearing the phrase work life balance hurts me. And I believe it’s hurting others, too. 

    It does nothing to improve my mental state. In fact, I would challenge the idea that just saying these words is enough to cause more undue stress. 

    Why? Because I don’t think balance exists in the way our brains tell us it should look like.

    Balance on its own gives me this vision of a scale. In a balanced scenario, that scale should be perfectly balanced with the weight of our work life on one side and the weight of our personal life on the other. 

    That visual of trying to achieve such a thing – especially as an OCD perfectionist – makes me feel exhausted, defeated, and like an utter failure on every level.

    I can’t imagine I am the only one that feels this way.

    So here is what I am in favor of. Rather than talking about some magical idea of balance, why don’t we shift the conversation.

    Let’s start using phrases like quality of life.

    I want to focus on what I can do to make my heart, my mind, and my body feel fulfilled, happy, and stress-free. I want to focus on the quality of what I do in a day rather than the balance of it.

    Maybe it’s semantics to some. For me, I believe that changing the tone and direction of work life conversations can and will have an immediate and positive impact for many of us. Everything in my body tells me that removing the word balance from the conversation lifts the pressure off our shoulders and changes the course of the stories we tell ourselves. 

    Our minds, our bodies, our lives – they’re important. We can do hard things. Let’s respect ourselves and each other by doing those hard things with grace, kindness, and patience.

    I’d love to know what you think about all this. Share your thoughts and stories with me in the comments below. 

    I’m cheering for you always!

  • Being your most productive self comes down to 1 powerful practice

    Are you working towards being your most productive self?

    This is my mission each and every time I sit down at my desk.

    Have you ever been told that you can do more than one thing at a time? Or even that you should do more than one thing at a time? Did that cause you to pause with hesitation or did it motivate you, like, “Oh hell yeah. Yes I can!

    I’m an overachiever at heart. So the answer for me, without hesitation, was the latter. Of course I can!

    The problem is, multitasking in many cases doesn’t make any sense. Think about it for a sec.

    Personally, I can walk and chew gum at the same time. I can also rub my belly with one hand while patting my head with the other – I mean, that’s a serious gift, right?!

    being your most productive self rooster media head pat belly rub on podcast

    But let’s talk about multitasking when it comes to important tasks – like spending quality time with your family, responding to emails, or writing a blog post.

    How many of you have tried to be present and engaged on a Zoom conference call while you pay bills? I can see some of you smiling out there. I’ll admit, too, that I have. And you know what? It doesn’t work! Either I screwed up my billing or I gave a super vague answer to a question when I was called upon during the call (OMG… so embarrassing). 

    Certainly, multitasking is not the key to being your most productive self.

    being your most productive self Heather Piazza in her office working at the computer

    Honestly, do you know any human who is able to do more than one thing at a time and do it WELL? I’ve seen many people juggle multiple tasks at a time. Hell, that’s the definition of a parent, right?

    But the key word here is well.

    I can do more than one thing at a time, BUT (and that’s a huge but) I cannot complete those tasks well.

    Being your most productive self

    When my attention is split, I lack focus. I am not giving any one task all of my attention. And when I lack focus, I feel anxious. I’m stressed that I’m not getting to everything and that I’m forgetting something. I really don’t feel productive at all. If I can be honest, I feel like I’m losing more than winning.

    Think about that for a second.

    If only we just focused on one single task at hand, what would happen? How would we feel?

    I can tell you. 

    It feels AMAZING. Giving all my focus to one task at a time makes me feel like I am in control of my day. I’m less stressed. I feel more productive. And to top it off, when I’m in the zone, I can plow through my to do list. I accomplish more in my day which frees up more time in my schedule.  

    That free time can be spent on things that I love – dates with my husband, hikes with my friends, playtime with the kiddos, going to get my hair done, getting a massage… 

    Sounds so good, right?

    The key to working hard so we can play harder isn’t a secret. It’s not even hard to do. It’s just that sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and chaos of our lives that we forget to do it. 

    We simply forget to focus.

    That’s it! It’s not fancy, but it’s so powerful.

    Being your most productive self comes down to focus.

    Here are some of the tricks I share with my clients for achieving the best environment for focus.

    • Dedicate a quiet, space in your home to work. You do not have to have a dedicated office. This space can be anywhere in your home that makes you feel motivated and focused.
    • Make a short to do list at the end of every work day.
    • When you sit down to work, have a timer at the ready. Set the timer for different tasks, such as 15 minutes to check email, 50 minutes for writing, 50 minutes to work on a project, etc. When that timer goes off, it’s time for you to move on.
    • When you are working on a task, turn off everything else. For instance, if you are writing, turn off your email, phone, text messages, and any other notifications that may distract you.
    • Place a notebook and a pen next to you so that you may jot down thoughts or other to do’s that pop into your head as you are working through a task. Once it’s out of your head and onto paper, it’s amazing how those shiny objects will disappear!

    At the end of your workday, it’s not uncommon to feel utterly exhausted, even though you are so happy with all you accomplished. Remember, you just rocked your day!

    Relax, unwind, and celebrate. I don’t think we do this enough for ourselves, especially when we are working from home. Enjoy a long bath, go for a walk and watch the sunset, savor a glass of your favorite wine, or all of the above… because you deserve it!

    Within no time you’ll be saying, Bring on tomorrow! For it will be another awesome day.

    May you go forth and focus. You can do this.

  • When you work from home: 6 Unique ways to create a small office out of any space

    One of the things I am most passionate about is making sure mamas have a designated space to do their work when they work from home.

    Many think you need to have an actual office. But, here’s the truth. You don’t.

    What you actually need is a space that works for you. A space that is quiet when you need it to be quiet. One that functions the way you need it to function. A space that feeds you emotionally – giving you the inspiration and motivation you need when you need it most.

    Here’s the thing. Your working space is yours and yours alone. There is no need to compete with anyone else. You can get just as much work completed in a small space as a large one.

    The point is that you have a space you can go to each day where you feel like you are an absolute powerhouse.

    You can make a desk pretty much anywhere. Of course, personal touches go a long way to making your space special for you.

    Work from home space #1: The living room nook

    If you have a small home or are out of options to place an office in a bedroom or loft, consider your living room. If you already have a separate family room, this option may be a no-brainer for you. By using a larger space like a living room, you create the option to add additional workspaces if they are needed for your family.

    Photo by Collov Home Design on Unsplash

    Work from home space #2: The corner office

    The corner of your guest room can become a great place to set up your workplace, especially if you keep it modular. This desk option is a simple wooden top set across two sturdy, wooden sawhorses. Due to the minimalistic approach, it is easy to take down or convert if the space is needed to accommodate your guests. I must add… simple really is beautiful!

    Photo by James McDonald on Unsplash

    Work from home space #3: The bedroom sanctuary

    Sometimes our bedrooms are made for more than sleeping. In my 10 years of consulting work, I’ve been known to take refuge in a bedroom or two. In a home where space is hard to carve out for work, this may be the best option for you. Add furniture that complements your space to help keep that cozy feeling. Add a paneled room divider or be creative with curtains in order to add an element of separation. Adding plants also softens the space and helps take the attention away from cold, computer hardware.

    Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

    Work from home space #4: The Cloffice

    Yes, you heard me right. The cloffice, also known as the closet office, is a fantastic option. Before we converted our guest bedroom into my office, I had a cloffice. The cloffice is where I started my marketing consulting firm 10 years ago. Our cloffice is still alive and well today. The desk and shelves that we built remain. It now houses our files, printer, and my old iMac which my kids now use for school. When we have guests, we close off the area by closing our white, linen curtains that are hung inside the closet by a pressure rod. If a cloffice is something you’ve contemplated, go for it!

    Photo by the Cofran Home on Hometalk

    Work from home space #5: The hideaways

    Make the most of an empty space in your hallway or entryway with a floating desk, shelves, and a comfy chair. Bonus if you have a window! Creative organization and minimal decor can help turn an empty, unused space into a working haven. Add a computer and you’re ready to go.

    Photo by DIY Passion

    Work from home space #6: The convertible style

    I am all about allowing a space to work for you in different ways. There is no better use of a small space than adding convertible pieces that allow for multiple uses of an area. For instance, consider hanging a floating desk like this one. Not only does it act as a desk when it is folded out, it doubles as a super cool chalk board to add reminders, quotes, or artwork. And it includes cubbies and shelves for storage!

    Photo by Wayfair – The Suave Floating Desk

    No matter where you choose to set up shop, there are no rules. Be creative and have fun!