Business + Branding

  • Starting a business: 6 Secrets to know before you launch

    Starting a business is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of my life.

    I’m not going to lie, though. It was not always easy. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I wanted to quit. Because as exciting and rewarding as starting a business was, it was also quite stressful.

    There are a few things that would have made my life way less stressful. I’m sharing what I didn’t know at the time with the hope that it will help you now.

    When starting a business, know what you want.

    One of my key pieces of advice to those starting their business is this point right here – know what you want. It might sound trivial, but knowing what you want is so powerful in creating the life you want.

    Think about it.

    • Do you want a small business or a big corporation?
    • Do you want to start out small, then grow and expand?
    • Do you want to grow your business and then sell it for profit?
    • Do you want to hire employees or would you rather work with contractors?
    • Do you want to work part-time or full-time?
    • Do you want to travel while you run your business?
    • How much flexibility do you want in your day, week, or life?
    • Do you have specific goals for how much income you want to bring in per month? Per year?
    • Do you have a vision of the type of person you will become? Do you see yourself as a celebrity type? A well-known speaker, author, or writer?
    • Where does your business fall in terms of your life’s priorities (e.g. family, hobbies, activities)?
    • What type of lifestyle do you want to live?

    These questions are just the tip of the iceberg.

    You may be very clear on who you are and what you care about. But knowing what you actually want in your life is critical in creating a business that works with you instead of against you.  

    starting a business coffee cup with the words begin sitting on kitchen table

    Begin with a specific need and target audience in mind.

    There is absolutely no possible way to successfully start or run a business by trying to be all the things for all the people.

    Trust me… I know. Once upon a time, much to the chagrin of my logical brain, I did this.

    It was absolute torture.

    Starting a business successfully starts with creative remedies for needs that already exist.

    I cannot stress enough how important this point is. There is a reason that I placed the words successful and creative in this sentence.

    Can you create a copycat business? Of course! But if you really want to move the needle, do something different that sets you apart from the competition.

    Think outside of the box… Take an unexpected approach. Push the boundaries of what’s possible. Add a surprising twist. Use your personality to your advantage here.

    Because, after all, being different is GOOD thing.

    Once you have the remedy clearly identified, it’s time to pinpoint exactly who needs your remedy. The who is your target audience.

    If your ideal client was sitting across the table from you…

    • What do they look like?
    • How old are they?
    • Do they have a spouse or kids?
    • Do they live in a specific location?
    • What do they do for a living?
    • How much income do they bring in annually?
    • What are their hobbies? What do they do for fun?
    • Do they travel? If so, where to?
    • What do they do for entertainment?
    • What do they read? What do they watch?

    The more you know about your target audience, the more successful you will be in finding them, promoting to them, and eventually, selling to them.

    Starting a business can be cheap, but don’t be afraid to invest.

    Yes, you can quite literally start your business with a laptop and an internet connection.

    However, investing wisely in tools and resources (like hardware, software, and professional development sessions) may help you gain the momentum you need during your start-up phase.

    I am not suggesting you invest in all the shiny things that claim big promises on what they will do for you. I actually recommend that you invest strategically.

    Wait until you know what you want and are clear about the need you are addressing and the target audience you will be serving. Then start doing some research.

    What tools do you need to manage your day-to-day business?

    Work smarter, not harder. Having the right tools on the daily makes your job easier and can eliminate so much stress. For instance, if you are a graphic designer, you may need to invest in Adobe software, like Creative Cloud. If you are a jewelry designer, you may need to invest in jewelry making tools for your workshop.

    What tools do you need to promote your business?

    Do you need an email client, like ConvertKit or Flodesk? Do you need to invest in advertising, like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads?

    What tools do you need to manage your clients?

    Your client base is the backbone for your business. Do you have the right tools to manage your client list as it beings to grow? You’ll want to think about whether or not you need tools like a customer relationship management system (think SalesForce or Hubspot). What about invoicing or bookkeeping software, such as Quickbooks or Honeybook? Do you need a sales cart and system on your website, like WooCommerce for WordPress or

    What resources do you need to help you with your business?

    I’m the first to raise my hand and say I can do it all by myself. Though I can, I have learned that it is definitely not the best use of my time. Plus, just because you say you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it. Think about the things you don’t like to do or don’t do well. Do you need a bookkeeper or accountant? Do you need a photographer? Do you need a virtual assistant?

    What resources do you need to help you learn different aspects of your business?

    When you know better, you do better, right? Continuing to learn and stay on top of trends will help you remain educated in your business and your industry. Look for small business workshops in your area. Attend conferences on your industry or on a topic you want to learn more about.

    It goes without saying that when you are thinking strategically, you’re working through how each of these investments will give you the best ROI or return on investment.

    Do things strategically, not all at once.

    It is so easy to get caught up in the newness of your adventure that you find yourself overwhelmed very quickly.

    The reason for this is quite likely that you are trying to do all the things all at once.

    Please don’t do this to yourself. I promise you’ll end up burning out in no time flat.

    Keep things simple. Think of your business like an onion. Work on one layer at a time. Once a task is completed or mastered, then go to the next one.

    Social media is the perfect example. Select a couple that you know you’ll be able to manage like a rockstar and that will reach your target audience best.

    Worried about losing your username or handle to someone else? I think it’s smart to set up accounts for social media accounts you think you might like to work with down the road so that you don’t lose those usernames. However, that does not mean that you need to add them into the mix immediately.

    Create a model that is sustainable.

    As you are creating your business, think about your personality and lifestyle. Create a model that you can sustain over a long period of time and won’t cause you to burn out.

    Case in point. I chose to consult. I love this very flexible model which allowed me to share my expertise with others.

    It didn’t take me but a few years to realize how taxing trading my time for money would be.

    If I had to do it all over again, I would think about my business like a financial portfolio.

    In other words, I would diversify my income streams. Doing this allows you to build income in a variety of ways rather than focusing on just one stream.

    As we found out through the COVID-19 pandemic, those businesses with multiple income streams were able to cope more easily than those of us who were solely reliant on one.

    Hire a coach.

    One of my biggest regrets is not hiring a business coach when I first started my business.

    I actually worked with a life coach before starting my business. Working with her gave me a great deal of clarity on how to move my personal and work life forward.

    At the time, we were in the middle of the recession and I had been laid off just before I gave birth to my son. The struggle with the choices I had in front of me was more than I could cope with on my own. I needed to figure out whether I my journey continued with staying at home with my babies, going back to the corporate world, or starting my own business.

    I don’t know what I would have done without having a life coach to help me sort it all out.

    As it turns out, starting my own business was what I truly wanted. I was just too scared to make the leap without working it all through.

    As an athlete, I wouldn’t have gone anywhere without my coaches and teachers. They helped me learn new skills and hone in on my strengths. They helped build my confidence. They built the practice and training plans I needed to reach my goals.

    Over the years, I’ve completed many coaching hours. It’s some of the most rewarding work I’ve done. In addition to coaching individuals, nonprofits, and small businesses on branding and marketing strategies, I also had amazing opportunities to coach young female athletes in soccer and running.

    Summing it all up.

    These six tips really would have eliminated a great deal of stress from my life. I hope these tips will help guide you on your business-building journey.

    As always, I’m here for you! Have any tips or ideas to add? Share them with me below.

  • When you work from home: 6 Unique ways to create a small office out of any space

    One of the things I am most passionate about is making sure mamas have a designated space to do their work when they work from home.

    Many think you need to have an actual office. But, here’s the truth. You don’t.

    What you actually need is a space that works for you. A space that is quiet when you need it to be quiet. One that functions the way you need it to function. A space that feeds you emotionally – giving you the inspiration and motivation you need when you need it most.

    Here’s the thing. Your working space is yours and yours alone. There is no need to compete with anyone else. You can get just as much work completed in a small space as a large one.

    The point is that you have a space you can go to each day where you feel like you are an absolute powerhouse.

    You can make a desk pretty much anywhere. Of course, personal touches go a long way to making your space special for you.

    Work from home space #1: The living room nook

    If you have a small home or are out of options to place an office in a bedroom or loft, consider your living room. If you already have a separate family room, this option may be a no-brainer for you. By using a larger space like a living room, you create the option to add additional workspaces if they are needed for your family.

    Photo by Collov Home Design on Unsplash

    Work from home space #2: The corner office

    The corner of your guest room can become a great place to set up your workplace, especially if you keep it modular. This desk option is a simple wooden top set across two sturdy, wooden sawhorses. Due to the minimalistic approach, it is easy to take down or convert if the space is needed to accommodate your guests. I must add… simple really is beautiful!

    Photo by James McDonald on Unsplash

    Work from home space #3: The bedroom sanctuary

    Sometimes our bedrooms are made for more than sleeping. In my 10 years of consulting work, I’ve been known to take refuge in a bedroom or two. In a home where space is hard to carve out for work, this may be the best option for you. Add furniture that complements your space to help keep that cozy feeling. Add a paneled room divider or be creative with curtains in order to add an element of separation. Adding plants also softens the space and helps take the attention away from cold, computer hardware.

    Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

    Work from home space #4: The Cloffice

    Yes, you heard me right. The cloffice, also known as the closet office, is a fantastic option. Before we converted our guest bedroom into my office, I had a cloffice. The cloffice is where I started my marketing consulting firm 10 years ago. Our cloffice is still alive and well today. The desk and shelves that we built remain. It now houses our files, printer, and my old iMac which my kids now use for school. When we have guests, we close off the area by closing our white, linen curtains that are hung inside the closet by a pressure rod. If a cloffice is something you’ve contemplated, go for it!

    Photo by the Cofran Home on Hometalk

    Work from home space #5: The hideaways

    Make the most of an empty space in your hallway or entryway with a floating desk, shelves, and a comfy chair. Bonus if you have a window! Creative organization and minimal decor can help turn an empty, unused space into a working haven. Add a computer and you’re ready to go.

    Photo by DIY Passion

    Work from home space #6: The convertible style

    I am all about allowing a space to work for you in different ways. There is no better use of a small space than adding convertible pieces that allow for multiple uses of an area. For instance, consider hanging a floating desk like this one. Not only does it act as a desk when it is folded out, it doubles as a super cool chalk board to add reminders, quotes, or artwork. And it includes cubbies and shelves for storage!

    Photo by Wayfair – The Suave Floating Desk

    No matter where you choose to set up shop, there are no rules. Be creative and have fun!

  • Are you lonely working from home? These 5 strategies will help you overcome loneliness for good.

    I am not one to candy coat things. I believe in authenticity and honesty. I believe that you get more by being direct than circling around what you really want to say. Life is too short for us not to just come right out and say what needs to be said, right?

    Now that I’ve put that out there, I’m going to share a secret that not every work from home professional will admit.

    Working from home can be lonely. The kind of loneliness that can kill my focus, motivation, and drive even when there is so much work to be done. At times, it’s absolutely debilitating.

    Most of us, including myself, didn’t start out working from home. Chances are that you, like me, worked in an environment full of people. Whether it was on your feet serving customers in a retail store, running from table to table at a restaurant, or sitting in a far-too-small cubicle in an office, we spent part of our lives working for someone else in a place that wasn’t our home.

    For me, there is a huge difference in working from home as a solopreneur than working as part of a larger team in a shared space.

    During those times I was oddly comforted by the sounds of others, especially when I entered corporate office working environments. The talking, whirring of copy machines, opening and closing of doors, tapping of keyboard keys, and the steps of my co-workers served as my background music.

    I miss it.

    Personally, this last week has been harder than most. Though I have a lot on my plate and desperately want to crank through it all, just sitting down at my desk puts me into this awful loneliness state.

    Seriously… yuck. I hate this feeling.

    I know I am not alone. YOU are not alone. I have spoken with so many of you who have shared these same exact feelings with me. Maybe we should start a support group (kidding, but not kidding).

    Here’s the thing. We can sit here in our misery and feel sorry for ourselves. Believe me, it’s a choice, and I’ve sadly made it once or twice. Did it make me feel better to do that? No. Though I absolutely gave myself grace, I also realized that sitting in those feelings just made it worse for me. When I am that low, I know I need to dig deep to figure out a solution that helps me move on.

    If I can do it, you can do it. We are powerfully creative and resilient beings. We are more than capable of turning those lonely feelings around. Not only are there ways to shake out the negativity, we can also pivot out of our sad and slow working time into one that is upbeat, positive, and productive.

    I don’t know about you, but saying it out-loud already makes me feel better.

    Here are five of my favorites ways to get back into the game.

    1. Get the music pumping.

    Turn on any music that will get you out of the funk. I am a fan of so many different genres. It really depends on my mood and what I need in that moment. Something energetic like 80’s hits, 90’s hair bands, and classic hip hop pulls me right back into the now. Once I’m there, I use my good friend Alexa to help me adjust my tunes and volume accordingly so that I can continue pushing through with positive momentum.

    2. Get out of your office.

    I’m serious. Get out of your office! In fact, get out of your house. Sometimes loneliness is purely a symptom of being cooped up inside by yourself for too long. Go for a run or take your furry office mate out for a short walk. Better yet, plan ahead and schedule a hike or bike ride with a friend. Getting away from your desk will do wonders to re-energize your brain, clear your head, and make your body feel happy.

    3. Call a friend.

    This is one of my favorites. Many of my friends are solopreneurs, too. They totally get what I am experiencing day in and day out. The best part – they are usually just as eager as I am to talk to another human. I love a good walk and talk (a powerful combo of #2 and #3!). In times when I need to see someone’s face, but don’t have time for a meet-up, Zoom works in a pinch.

    4. Organize and clean up.

    One of my superpowers is organization. I can organize the hell out of pretty much anything. The best part? It makes me feel SO good! There is something about taking a messy space and turning it into a beautiful functioning one. It doesn’t just have to be a space, either. Some of my happiest, most creative moments have been when I grab my bullet journal and organize my week. Knowing what is coming up and what I want to accomplish is so helpful in setting me up for a successful work session.

    5. Meditate.

    Last, but certainly not least, is the power of meditation. When I practice, I experience clarity in the most powerful ways. It’s down right magical. In a matter of five minutes of meditation, I can go from feeling my lowest to feeling calm and ready to work. Like I have a purpose. Like I am no longer lonely. I have practiced meditation successfully in different ways. From sitting cross-legged while listening to guided meditations to lying on my back in the absolute quiet. Meditating each day is a goal of mine for this year. I highly recommend you make it one of yours, too.

  • These 25 quotes will help you light that inner spark

    Do you ever have that moment where you walk into your office and don’t know where to start? It’s the most uncomfortable feeling, isn’t it? There are times when this happens to me that I feel completely paralyzed with what to do or how to get started.

    I cannot stand this feeling. It makes me feel completely useless especially as someone who is from a long line of doers and shakers (our minds and bodies rarely sit still).

    I’ll do anything from organizing and cleaning my office to writing in my bullet journal to bust through my paralysis. Other times I’ll go for a walk, listen to a podcast, or read a few passages in a book I’m currently reading.

    But my favorite thing to do is read quotes from amazing humans… especially incredible women.

    Not only can a good quote hold meaning and power, it’s also a bit like receiving advice from a friend. And us work from home types know how valuable advice from a friend can be. ♥

    Below are twenty-five of my most treasured quotes that I hope inspire you to get to work and make magic happen!

    Quotes to live by.

    “Well behaved women rarely make history.”
    ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

    “I don’t go by the rule book. I lead from the heart, not the head.”
    ~ Princess Diana

    “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.”
    ~ Helen Keller

    “Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
    ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”
    ~ Oprah Winfrey

    “You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.”
    ~ Shonda Rhimes

    “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”
    ~ Amelia Earhart

    “I know my worth. I embrace my power. I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story. I will.”
    ~ Amy Schumer

    “Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.”
    ~ Malala Yousafzai

    “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else.”
    ~ Judy Garland

    “Don’t ever make decisions based on fear. Make decisions based on hope and possibility. Make decisions based on what should happen, not what shouldn’t.”
    ~ Michelle Obama

    “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
    ~ Mother Teresa

    “You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated.”
    ~ Maya Angelou

    “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”
    ~ Brené Brown

    “You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.”
    ~ Diane von Furstenberg

    “Don’t wait for a time when you’re free of fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
    ~ Gabby Bernstein

    “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”
    ~ Tina Fey

    “Have no fear of perfection; you’ll never reach it.”
    ~ Marie Curie

    “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.”
    ~ Dolly Parton

    “Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”
    ~ Golda Meir

    “Technique and ability alone do not get you to the top; it is the willpower that is most important.”
    ~ Junko Tabei

    “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.”
    ~ Estée Lauder

    “Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.”
    ~ Gloria Sti

    “I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.”
    ~ Louise Hay

    “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
    ~ Jane Goodall

  • Getting started when all you want to do is stay in bed

    Y’all. This morning was rough.

    Last night I went to bed with the best intentions. I had visions of myself getting up early, busting it all out during my virtual workout, then settling down for a focused day of work. I fell asleep peacefully.

    At the sound of my alarm, my body tensed into an anxious ball. Tears began to flow down my face. I knew in an instant, this was not going to be the day I envisioned it would be.

    I laid in bed for a while, letting the chaos of my thoughts race through my head.

    Heavy feelings can have a tendency to throw me off track, sometimes for an entire day. I have to work so hard to calm that part of me so that I may enjoy the day, rather than to succumb to the dark side of it.

    On a good day, I’ll jump out of bed, acknowledge my feelings, accept them, and then get to work. On a bad day, I’ll hide. I burrow myself deeper into my comforter, grab my mobile, and search for answers.

    The latter is seriously the worst habit ever. And we all know it.

    Our mobile holds no answers. Worse? The news and social media accounts that we are drawn to do nothing but make us anxious, agitated, and feeling like we have no control.

    So what do we do?

    The only thing we can do. Live. Feel our feelings. Be present. Enjoy the moments that are in front of us right now. Put down our devices and realize that there are so many other better things to do that get caught up in other people’s drama.

    During the hard times, it’s all about grace. And by this, I mean, giving grace to yourself! There are days that we aren’t going to bounce out of bed right away, and that’s ok. BUT we can certainly resist the urge to hide.

    Give yourself a few quiet moments to collect yourself. Take the time to close your eyes and envision the type of day that you want. Breathe deeply. When you open your eyes, count to three. Then slide yourself on out of that bed. You have people to see, things to do, and a life to live.

    No matter how we wake up, here’s what I know. We are more than capable of changing our mindset. We can take a bad moment and turn it into a positive one. I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m saying we can. Why? Because we are powerful that way!

    If you need a little help with that positive mind-shift, use the beings that exist around you for a little extra motivation. Enter, my sweet chocolate lab, Lilo. I will get up every day of the week for her. And she knows it.

    It’s more than time that we start making the most of our mornings. Let’s make it our mission to get up each day driven with all the determination and spirit we can muster to kick ass as soon as our feet hit that floor.

    Cause I know we can do this. And we can do it together.

    Ready? 1… 2… 3… LET’S GO!

  • The best tool to help you identify your purpose now

    Do you ever find yourself wondering exactly what your purpose is?

    I do. Some days it comes as a fleeting thought. Other days I find myself fixated on this idea that I must be here for a reason.

    The problem is I didn’t know why. And it kinda drove me crazy.

    This time four years ago I was recovering from surgery. Truth be told, not only was I recovering from surgery, but I was also in the middle of a mental crisis. It turns out that I was a ball of stress going into my surgery and the tipping point came in the form of anesthesia. My psychologist theorized that the anesthesia triggered my system to go into a full-blown anxiety and panic meltdown.

    Oh, and add to that a side of depression, thank you very much.

    It’s easy to say that I needed to remove the stress in my life. For those of you that have heard that before, easier said than done, right?

    But what if the stress was caused by something deeper than trying to keep up with your kids, work, and household chores? What if the stress was really stemming from a deeper place?

    What if this stress comes from struggling with your purpose in life?

    your purpose Heather Piazza sitting and meditating in a field

    That deeper place for me was finding clarity on who I really was and who I wanted to be. In those moments four years ago, I felt that aside from being a wife and a mom, I had lost the essence of who I am.

    As a marketing professional, one of my favorite things to do is research. It feeds into that geeky side of my personality that loves historical documentaries about people, places, and events in our past.

    So I did what my professional, geeky brain told me to do. Research myself.

    I started with a quick Google search on the Myers-Briggs test. That search brought me to a site called 16 Personalities.

    This free quiz took me about 20 minutes to complete. The questions were straightforward and easy to answer. Given it was a personality test, I was a little nervous about what I was going to find out about myself.

    You guys. You have to take this quiz!

    I was absolutely blown away. I discovered that I am an INFJ-T (introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging, and turbulent). Ok – stop laughing at that last word. 😂

    An Advocate… tends to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things. Advocates are the rarest personality types of all. Still, Advocates leave their mark on the world. They have a deep sense of idealism and integrity, but they aren’t idle dreamers – they take concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting impact.

    16 Personalities

    I am an Advocate. Reading about my personality type was like looking in the mirror.

    I was glued to the eight pages all about INFJ types. Everything from relationships and career paths to strengths and weaknesses. All of it was so accurate that I was driven to tears.

    I took to Google again. This time searching on INFJ. I found so many more articles and stories to feed my curiosity. The more reading I did, the more validated I felt.

    It turns out that I knew who I was all along – including my purpose. I’ve been on a path that was right for me this entire time.

    Over the last four years, I’ve reflected on what I discovered about myself many times. Because of what I know, I am calmer, more grounded, and more confident about my life’s direction. In fact, getting to know myself as an INFJ helped me confirm that pivoting my business would feed right into my strengths, professionally and personally.

    There are still times when I wonder if I’m headed in the right direction. A little validation from my research is all I need to keep going.

    Nothing lights up Advocates like creating a solution that changes people’s lives.

    16 Personalities