Y’all. This morning was rough.

Last night I went to bed with the best intentions. I had visions of myself getting up early, busting it all out during my virtual workout, then settling down for a focused day of work. I fell asleep peacefully.

At the sound of my alarm, my body tensed into an anxious ball. Tears began to flow down my face. I knew in an instant, this was not going to be the day I envisioned it would be.

I laid in bed for a while, letting the chaos of my thoughts race through my head.

Heavy feelings can have a tendency to throw me off track, sometimes for an entire day. I have to work so hard to calm that part of me so that I may enjoy the day, rather than to succumb to the dark side of it.

On a good day, I’ll jump out of bed, acknowledge my feelings, accept them, and then get to work. On a bad day, I’ll hide. I burrow myself deeper into my comforter, grab my mobile, and search for answers.

The latter is seriously the worst habit ever. And we all know it.

Our mobile holds no answers. Worse? The news and social media accounts that we are drawn to do nothing but make us anxious, agitated, and feeling like we have no control.

So what do we do?

The only thing we can do. Live. Feel our feelings. Be present. Enjoy the moments that are in front of us right now. Put down our devices and realize that there are so many other better things to do that get caught up in other people’s drama.

During the hard times, it’s all about grace. And by this, I mean, giving grace to yourself! There are days that we aren’t going to bounce out of bed right away, and that’s ok. BUT we can certainly resist the urge to hide.

Give yourself a few quiet moments to collect yourself. Take the time to close your eyes and envision the type of day that you want. Breathe deeply. When you open your eyes, count to three. Then slide yourself on out of that bed. You have people to see, things to do, and a life to live.

No matter how we wake up, here’s what I know. We are more than capable of changing our mindset. We can take a bad moment and turn it into a positive one. I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m saying we can. Why? Because we are powerful that way!

If you need a little help with that positive mind-shift, use the beings that exist around you for a little extra motivation. Enter, my sweet chocolate lab, Lilo. I will get up every day of the week for her. And she knows it.

It’s more than time that we start making the most of our mornings. Let’s make it our mission to get up each day driven with all the determination and spirit we can muster to kick ass as soon as our feet hit that floor.

Cause I know we can do this. And we can do it together.

Ready? 1… 2… 3… LET’S GO!
