Should I hire a personal brand coach?

I get this question all the time. So before I answer, I want to share a little story with you.

When the pandemic hit, I (like most everyone else) was absolutely miserable. It was like traveling 100 mph, then slamming on the breaks to come to a full stop.

The feeling was super uncomfortable to say the least.

Suddenly, my quiet home office was inundated with nervous energy. My two kids and husband were now home, too.

Don’t even get me started on distance learning. I’m so happy for our area that this is a thing of the past.

With all sorts of restrictions and fear about what we didn’t know, we hunkered down and tried to cope as best as we could. We took walks and hung out in our backyard. We watched movies and played games. But we also ate our feelings and drank more of the good stuff than we should have.

I felt like a fluffier, more depressed shell of myself and I was ready for a change.

My friend told me about a certified health coach that she was working with to help her develop some healthier habits. I wasn’t sure that this was the right move for me, but I was definitely interested in finding out more.

I reached out to Jacqueline and set up a time for a quick chat. She was not what I expected (and in a great way!). She had a special kind of energy that I connected with almost immediately.

I remember telling her that I was also a coach and that I wasn’t sure that I needed to hire one. I knew what to do, I just needed to do it.

Her response?

Coaches need coaches, too.

Here is what I knew to be true. I needed accountability, guidance, and support in order to make some serious changes. Not only that, I needed to work with someone that really got me. This wasn’t going to work if I didn’t connect on some level with the coach that I chose to work with.

I started working with Jacqueline that same month. She taught me new ways to eat more nutritious foods, how to make better choices, how to slow down, and how important it was to move my body. As a result I felt better, I was feeling stronger, I gained muscle, I lost 20 lbs, and I was finally fitting back into my pants.

An unexpected, but very welcome result, was that I learned how to be kinder to myself. I not only shed some pounds, I also shed a good amount of stress that was holding me back in my personal and professional life.

To say that my coach helped me reach my goals is an understatement. The time, money, and energy I invested in this work with her was delivered back two-fold.

At this point, you are probably thinking, “That’s great, but what does this have to do with hiring a personal brand coach?”

I’d say… almost everything.

Personal brand coaches provide you with the accountability, guidance, and support you need in order to help you reach your business goals.

Just like I was skeptical about hiring a health coach, I’m guessing you are skeptical about hiring a personal brand coach. Hence, why you are here reading my post.

What I’ve learned from hiring my own coaches is, like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it. Investing in a coach is far from waving a magic wand. In order to see a return on your investment, you have to be willing to put in the time and the work. And when you do… that’s when the magic happens!

Why hire a personal brand coach Heather Piazza in her office holding framed print whatever you do do it with all your heart

I’m also here to crush the myth that only failing businesses need coaching. Want to know what I believe?

Coaching helps the good become even better.

That’s because coaches see your potential and work with you 1:1 to achieve the success you envision.

In the case of personal brand coaches, they use their experience and expertise to help you with many things, including, but not limited to:

  • Teaching you how to avoid common branding mistakes, including random acts of marketing… and if you are reading between the lines, that does mean that a great coach will guide you through creating a plan for your brand.
  • Recommending tried, true, and intentional tactics that will save you from wasting precious time and money on strategies that don’t work.
  • Advising you on how to discover and leverage your most authentic self with the goal of allowing your true personality and marketable qualities to shine through your brand.
  • Providing you with support, training, mentorship, and yes, at times, even a shoulder to cry on… anything that will help you move forward and push you outside the limits of your comfort zone.
  • Acting as your brainstorming partner to help unearth fresh, creative, and innovative ideas that will help support your business growth.
  • Serving as your mentor to help you see the bigger picture of your business so that challenges may be turned into opportunities.

You may have taken a DIY approach to your personal brand in the past. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! In fact, some of my most successful clients have started out that way. It’s when they get serious about their goals and growing their businesses that they seek out a coach like myself.

Hire a Personal Brand Coach

So, how do you know if you are ready to hire a personal brand coach? I can tell you that my most successful clients have the following traits:

  • They are driven to push themselves and their biz forward.
  • They pour their heart and soul into everything you do.
  • They are motivated to take action on what they learn.
  • They have the time and energy to invest in working with a coach.
  • They embrace the idea that the cost of working with a coach is an investment in themselves and their business… and gosh-darn-it, they are worth it!

If you see yourself agreeing to most, if not all, of the traits above, you are ready!

I currently have openings for my 30-day 1:1 Personal Brand Intensive. If this looks like it may be a fit for you, I invite you to apply. I’d love an opportunity to work with you.

If you are looking for something a little more on the DIY side, my 5-day Build a Better Personal Brand, Foundations mini course is for you! I encourage you to check it out.

OH! As I’m sure you are a lover of free gifts like I am, be sure to snag my freebie, 10 Easy Ways to Reinvent Your Personal Brand.
