Do I need a personal brand or business brand?

If you are struggling with this question, you are not alone. In fact, this is the number one question I am asked by business owners.

The answer to the personal brand or business brand question truly comes down to personal preference. You may choose one or the other. You may even choose a hybrid version of both (yes, does indeed exist).

Want to make your choice now? Download my free guide and take the quiz to find out!

There is no right or wrong answer… only the answer that best aligns with your lifestyle and business strategy.

At the end of the day, you want a brand that makes you feel all the warm fuzzies, including:

  • Waking up to a workday full of clients who you genuinely love working with and who are happy to pay you what you’re worth.
  • Feeling empowered to run your life and business while still having time to book your next family vacation.
  • Looking at your family and know that you’re going to be able to provide a life beyond their wildest dreams because of your business success.
  • Feeling like a successful professional rather than an imposter.
  • No longer worrying about where the next client is coming from.
  • Being in control of your schedule and feeling like you have never been more productive.
  • Achieving the joy and happiness you have been chasing for so long.

You’re probably wondering, can finally making a decision about my brand type do all of that for me? The answer is, YES, it absolutely can.

In this post, I’ll walk you through some of the main points to consider before making your decision.

personal brand or business brand color swatches on desk

Defined: Personal brand or business brand

What is a personal brand?

A personal brand is created around your personal identity. In essence, you are the name and face behind your brand. In addition, a personal brand will feature your personality, voice, personal experiences, expertise, values, and beliefs.

A personal brand is relatively easy to create and is as flexible and adaptable as you need it to be. This is helpful as it relates to making changes to your products or services or business strategy. After all, you are in full control as your brand is an extension of you.

A personal brand is perfect for those leading their own ventures, including course creators, coaches, consultants, artists, authors, and speakers.

What is a business brand?

In building a business brand, an identity is created for your business that is entirely separate from you. A business brand will have its own name, voice, personality, values, mission, and messaging.

If one of your long-term goals is to build up your business then sell it, creating a business brand is the way to go. Business brands are much easier to sell because the brand is exclusively tied to the products and services offered rather than to a single person.

A business brand is a solid choice for small to large businesses with employees, multiple products and services, and is a legal entity separate from its owners or shareholders.

Get to know the statistics.

Statistics show that people connect more naturally with other people, rather than with companies. As people crave more attention, they demand more engagement. People will look to engage with anyone from celebrities and famous personalities to influencers and authority figures.

Here’s what the stats say…

It is true that a human connection must exist in order for a business to succeed, regardless of what type of brand you decide to build.

Reflect on your wants and needs.

Unfortunately, deciding on whether or not you need a personal brand or business brand is not as easy as snapping your fingers. Now that you have a little more information, it’s time to reflect on what you want for yourself, your business, and your brand moving forward.

Some of the questions you may want to consider when building your brand, include the following:

  • Do you want to be known for who you are or what your business stands for?
  • What matters more to you: your company’s success or your personal success?
  • Are you outgoing and willing to show off your personality?
  • How will your prospective clients engage with your business?
  • What are your personal and professional goals?
  • Do you plan on sticking with this business or will you create other businesses in the future?
  • Do you have a partner in your business that you need to consider?
  • How much time do you want to invest in brand activities throughout the year?

Do I need a personal brand or business brand?

At the end of the day, no matter what you choose, your brand needs to remain focused on what is most important. According to Marty Neumeier, author of The Brand Gap, a brand should answer three questions.

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. Why does it matter?

There is no one-size-fits all solution when it comes to choosing between a personal brand and a business brand. When determining what is right for you, consider the pros and cons and what makes the most sense for your business.

Still haven’t made a decision or looking for a little more guidance? You’re in luck! Download my FREE guide and take the quiz now to find out what it’s going to be – a personal brand or business brand. You are only minutes away from making a choice for good.

    personal brand or business brand free guide ipad on table with eucalyptus