Have you been feeling like your brand feels off and that things aren’t quite right? Does it feels like no matter what you do, something is missing?

Believe me, friend, you’re not alone.

This is a common issue amongst business owners and entrepreneurs. And I’ve been there, too.

If you’re feeling like your efforts are not working out the way you envision they should, it’s time to hit pause and regroup.

Your personal brand is not only a representation of your work, it’s a mash-up of your personality, your values, your strengths, and your weaknesses. It’s how other people see you and what they think about when they reflect upon the things you’ve created.

If you find yourself frustrated that nothing feels right in your brand, it may be because what you’re offering and who you’re trying to serve are out of alignment with who you are as a person.

If this sounds like you, it’s time to go back to the basics.

what to do when your brand feels off woman holding coffee while reading book

If your brand feels off, ask yourself these 3 questions.

1. Are you showing up as the person you really are?

Start by asking yourself: “Who am I?”

When was the last time you took an honest assessment of your strengths, weaknesses, and inherent personality traits?

We all want to be seen as the best version of ourselves. And it’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind of life and forget about the importance of authenticity.

Which brings me to another question. Are you showing up as someone you’re not?

So many things that can go wrong when we try to live up to other people’s expectations and pretend that we are someone other than ourselves. Aside from the fact that pretending in this way is utterly exhausting, it can also have negative side effects on your health and relationships.

If you have been trying to fit into a mold that doesn’t match who you really are, it can be hard to know how to get started on the path toward authenticity. Here are some tips:

  1. Take stock of yourself, including your strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits (the good and the bad).
  2. Get rid of the negative self-talk that is keeping you stuck in your old ways and making it hard for others to see the real you.
  3. Seek out people who appreciate you for who you are — this doesn’t just mean family and friends, but clients, too!

2. Are you aligned with who you’re trying to serve?

The first time I heard this question was right after I launched my consulting business.

I was networking with a colleague (which was very new to me at the time). He asked me if I knew who my target audience was. I swallowed hard and tried not to panic. I hated to admit that I didn’t have a good answer.

It wasn’t that he was judging me or trying to give me a hard time. And it certainly wasn’t a test. He was asking me because he liked what I was about and wanted to send business my way.

But without knowing who I liked to work with most, any referral efforts would have been futile.

My consulting business became successful and profitable because I took the time to sketch out exactly who I wanted to serve (i.e. my ideal target audience).

To get started, ask yourself:

  1. Who do I want to serve?
  2. What kind of people do I love working with?
  3. What kinds of projects excite me?

Still struggling? Go through your past work and take notes on what you loved (or didn’t love) about the clients and the projects you completed.

3. What do people think of when they hear your name?

You may not give much thought to what others think about you. But if you want to succeed in your business, knowing how others perceive you and your brand is critical.

Your personal brand is not just a list of accomplishments; it’s a collection of experiences, perspectives, and attributes that make up who you are. When someone hears your name, what do they picture? What emotional response do they have? What might they say?

Here are some important things to consider:

  • Are people associating your name with confidence, credibility, and trust? If so, great – you’re on the right track. But if not, it may be time to consider changing things up and making some adjustments to how you present yourself, how you sell, and how you manage your client experience.
  • Are people associating your name with negativity? If so, that’s something that needs to be addressed FAST. The last thing you want is for your customers seeing negative press about your business, especially if it involves criticism from unhappy customers.

Final thoughts

Running your own business can be an exciting and scary adventure.

Sometimes, you’ll feel like you’re right on track, with all the warm and fuzzy feels about your brand and what you’re creating. And then, for whatever reason, that feeling will fade away.

Frustrating, right?

Managing these roller coaster moments and making adjustments along the way is necessary and totally normal. Instead of being hard on yourself when you feel like something isn’t right, take a brief pause and reflect.

This reflection time will allow you the space you need to make important tweaks that will get you back on track.

If you are looking for additional guidance, I’m here for you! Email me now and schedule your mini session. Sessions are free. In our 15 minutes together, we will drill down and troubleshoot one area of your business.
